Sunday, 17 February 2013

Indian Baby Shower

My best friend had a baby shower on Saturday,,,Indian style! I managed to grace the event with mummy dearest. It is something like prayers and blessings from relatives and friends for safe delivery of the baby and well being of the mum. Here is a shot of the mum to be! :)


Ladies who have had children bless the mother to be and bring in goodies symbolizing long life and a safe delivery. You can see the amount of goodies brought in the pics below. There were sweets, a new saree and other things that symbolize a long life for the mother and baby.

Prayers are started with a priest praying for the well being of mom and child.

Parents of the mother to be doing the honors!

Had a picture time myself with the mother to be! :))

After the ceremony with her hubby,,,,,,,

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day just passed recently. So what did you get your sweetheart? Something significant I hope. I read an article the other day about wasteful gifts to give your special someone. In it flowers and chocolates topped the list. But can we run away from giving these gifts. The first thought you get when you wanna gift someone on Valentine's Day is either chocolates, flowers or big huge teddies. Want a suggestion? Hmmmmm,,,,, Why not take your special someone to a buffet dinner? Hmmmm,,,,,something to think about! :) Well,,here's wishing you guys,,,A Belated Happy Valentine's Day!